LOL Klaus! Well done!
Mommie Dark
JoinedPosts by Mommie Dark
Limericks R us!
by kat7302 inokay, we have a jw songs thread going on which you should check out cos its cool but what about a limerick one too????????.
ill start........... there once were some people so gullible.
they lived and they slept by their bible.
re: Taking a balanced view of the allegations?
by Visionary Man inthis is my first post on this forum.
i am by all accounts a witness, if not an ideal one.
in light of the reaction after the panorama program i have seen a mixed variety of responses.
Mommie Dark
"the best (to my knowledge) organisation for helping individuals get close to God."
Since when do you need an ORGANIZATION to help you get close to God? Can't seem to find that requirement anywhere in your Bible...
The Perfume Issue
by Bleep inmany people still keep forgetting to throw away the perfumes and strong fragrances at my hall.
it is a big thing in some congregations to wear it.
i have heard that most churches stay away from it.
Mommie Dark
Had a smelder's wife tell me one time that I was terribly thoughtless to go to the meeting wearing perfume, as she was allergic and I had forced her to stand in the back. She was awfully peeved when I told her, truthfully, that I wasn't wearing any perfume! She insisted I was making excuses. Obviously she had some personal problem, because she insisted I was lying. She never apologized, either. (Still can't figure out why she insisted I was wearing perfume. I don't wear the stuff because the only scents I genuinely like are the real expensive ones, and I don't spend that kind of money on cosmetic stuff.) Maybe she is one of those nits who believe fat people must stink if they don't drench in scent...or maybe she mistook the smell of line-dried laundry for artificial perfume. Hard to believe that Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap and Purex laundry soap could be mistaken for perfume, isn't it?
Real allergies are dreadful, but I know an awful lot of dubs who seem to diagnose themselves with all sorts of allergies and ailments, and I suspect she was one of those.
JanG at it again
by Cygnus ini wake up this morning, check my email, and jang has once again filled it with dozens of anti-cult posts from her yahoo group which i was never solicited to join, and never asked to join.. ok, maybe it wasn't dozens but there were several.. jang, i posted to the newsgroup and i am asking you here now to please stop sending me emails/posts and take me off any lists you currently host or will ever conceive of in the future.
i have asked you this for at least 3 years now and i am still receiving stuff from you.
i beg that this by my final request.
Mommie Dark
Jan has a long history of adding people to her mail lists unasked, and of sending sometimes three or four copies of each longwinded mail to each person. I tried being very polite and asking nicely many times, but it took getting downright nasty to get her to remove me from the lists. Her excuse? She has fibromyalgia and it makes her forgetful. Apologies for her behavior? Never happen.
While I'm sure Jan is a legend in her own mind and has a godlike reputation among those easily impressed, most of her work is repetition of research done by real cultbusters, with a lot of niceyface psychobabble added. She is very well know for spamming, and is incredibly defensive when called on her unethical spamming practices. The world could well do without such annoying intrusive crusaders.
Try spamming her with unsubscribe requests, Cyg. In a few months she may get the message and accede to your request, but don't hold your breath.
Y'all gotta admit, i got strong Faith
by Legendary U.2.K. in<i>me & my girlfriend decided a long time ago(2 years) that we not having kids.
for reasons, but one of the reasons is because, we gonna wait till the next life(isaiah 65:17/new paradise earth), another reason is cause, we knoweth that the messiah will come back in our life time..... now that's hella strong faith, we have faith that the final destruction/peace & safety/armageddon will happen in our life time.... so we waiting!
great right?</i>
Mommie Dark
Well done! Good on you...the thought of one less set of suffering dub kids makes me very happy. Please never never reproduce...unless you leave the stinking cult and get re-educated about reality. The world does NOT need more screwed-up Jdub kids.
Only Waiting For This Moment
by COMF inwhen i moved into my new house, i found that i was not the only new tenant.
a couple of newlywed scissortails had beaten me to residency by building a nest in an inside corner of my back patio.
they were rather distressed by my arrival, but have learned to tolerate my presence.
Mommie Dark
More goofy birds...
Only Waiting For This Moment
by COMF inwhen i moved into my new house, i found that i was not the only new tenant.
a couple of newlywed scissortails had beaten me to residency by building a nest in an inside corner of my back patio.
they were rather distressed by my arrival, but have learned to tolerate my presence.
Mommie Dark
COMF thanks for the lovely reminder of the one thing I really loved about living in TX... the incredible birds. Scissortails are gorgeous, aren't they?
My son has a mourning dove nesting in a corner of his front porch. She's on her third batch of babies this year. Yesterday one of them accidentally divebombed him while learning to fly.
BTW COMF, today is my son's first anniversary of sobriety. Color Mommie happy.
Edited by - Mommie Dark on 6 July 2002 13:30:57
Monthly Complaint
by comforter inthe watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
Mommie Dark
Methinks the comforter needs a large dose of Midol for its monthly complaint. And perhaps some Milk of Magnesia as it seems constipated with Watchtower feces build-up.
Why is 'women bashing' allowed on this board?
by wholewheat inthere is a poster on this board with the moniker 'd8ta' that has called a female poster a 'bitch' and another female poster a 'whore' and yet you men let him get away with it.
this is disgusting!
is this what leaving jehovah does to people?
Mommie Dark
"Even if the organization wasn't directed by Jehovah, there are far worse religions to hate than Jehovah's witnesses."
Trying to redirect the heat, wheat? The point is, the organization claims to BE directed by Jehovah, and, although they don't claim infallibility, in practice anyone questioning any of their doctrine is declared apostate and shunned as spiritually dead. With JWdom it's all or nothing, our way or the highway, and never never question if we 'tack' or zigzag or aboutface on doctrine! Few religions are that inflexible. I think you'll find that most here would say that if Brooklyn would apologize for its past prophesying, and stop pretending to be Jehovah's sole mouthpiece on earth, much of what you call 'hate' against JWs would be happily set aside. If you are going to compare religions without the caveat that JWs are God's sole organization, you must also admit that there are far better (and healthier) religions than JWs, too. You can't have it both ways.
Test: Where do you stand politically?
by JanH insometimes political orientation is described through a left-right axis only, which is obviously inadequate as it tends to associate gandhi and stalin, and make pol pot a radical and hitler a conservative.. this is a good, short test that asks you a number of questions and places you on a two-dimensional axis.. take it here:
i took the test and got the following result:.
your political compass:economic left/right: -1.12. authoritarian/libertarian: -6.21. that is, centrist with a slight leftist bent, strongly libertarian.
Mommie Dark
Don't need no steenking test to know where I stand politically... I stand right in my front yard, politically, non-politically, doesn't matter, I'm still standin...